What are dynamic variables?

Using dynamic variables to add valuable information to your links for quick and consistent UTMs.

What are dynamic variables?

Dynamic URL variables provide an automated and quick way to add the values of the fields in your link builder to your final URL. This helps the user to make links that save time and are consistent with their requirements. 

How to add dynamic variables?

Dynamic variables start and end with double curly brackets. These variables will retrieve the pre-defined values in the parameters and attribute fields to make link building more efficient. 

What variables does utm.io support?

Currently, we are supporting the following variables but are working to add more soon:

Random String:

{{n}} or {{N}} = random numbers

{{l}} = random letters (lowercase only)
{{L}} = random letters (mixed-case)

{{a}} = random alphanumeric character (numbers and lowercase letters)
{{A}} = random alphanumeric character (numbers and mixed-case letters)

To set the length of the string, repeat the token that number of times.


Token Explanation Example
{{n}} or {{N}} single number 5
{{nnnnn}} or {{NNNNN}} 5 digit number 78903
{{lll}} 3 lowercase letters jlw
{{LLLLLL}} 6 mixed-case letters AnuTRx
{{aaaaa}} 5 alphanumeric lowercase characters i3pvu
{{AAAA}} 4 alphanumeric mixed-case characters 0Kr4

You can also combine tokens for specific formats

Combination Explanation Example
{{nnn}}-{{LLL} 3 numbers - 3 mixed-case characters 935-iHw

Using Parameters and Attributes as dynamic variables

You can also use parameters and attributes as dynamic variables in the link builder by enclosing them in double curly brackets.

For example, using the parameter and attributes defined below as dynamic variables to auto-populate a campaign name.

Parameter Value Dynamic variable token
Medium Email {{medium}}



Dynamic variable token
Location CA {{location}}
Frequency Blast {{frequency}}

If you input the token in this format and order in the Campaign field of the link builder; {{location}}-{{medium}}-{{frequency}}

The dynamic variable preview would look like this; ca-email-blast

{{location}}-{{medium}}-{{frequency}} = ca-email-blast

Date supported format:

Day of week

{{ddd}} = Sun Mon ... Fri Sat

{{dddd}} = Sunday Monday ... Friday Saturday

Day of Month

{{D}} = 1 2 ... 30 31

{{Do}} = 1st 2nd ... 30th 31st

{{DD}} = 01 02 ... 30 31


{{M}} = 1 2 ... 11 12

{{MM}} = 01 02 ... 11 12

{{MMM}} = Jan Feb ... Nov Dec

{{MMMM}} = January February ... November December


{{YY}} = 70 71 ... 20 21

{{YYYY}} = 1970 1971 ... 2020 2021


{{HH}} = 00 01 ... 22 23

{{mm}} = 00 01 ... 58 59

{{ss}} = 00 01 ... 58 

 Adding Date as a Dynamic Variable:

The user can add the name of the month in the link without specifying it in the ‘Date’ field. 

  • The user provides the name of the parameter and UTM.io auto-fills the value for it making it a dynamic URL parameter
  • For example, {{MMM}} stands for current month. If you set this as your parameter, UTM.io will automatically fill it with the current month, such as “Jan”. Similarly, using {{MMMM}} will show the full name of the month, i.e “January”. 
  • They also standardize UTMs so the user doesn't have to worry whether the campaign name was “JAN20” or “jan20” or “January20”. 
  • Both these benefits result in quick UTM links that provide accurate campaign data the user can count on. 

    Here are screenshots showing how dynamic variables work in the link builder. For this example, we have added the dynamic variable for the month in the content field and for the day of the week in the term field. 

    In the next screenshot, you will see how the link builder replaces {{mmm}} with the current month and {{ddd}} with the day of the week in the final link.

    Here is a video showing how to use dynamic variables to auto-populate links.

Who can make dynamic variables in UTM.io?

Plan: This feature is available on the Enterprise plan. Please upgrade or contact support if you need access to this feature

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