How to import data from Google Analytics allows you to automatically import your current UTM parameters from Google Analytics. can import your previous campaign data. This makes it easier to turn current campaign information into values and build initial UTM templates.

Right after you register for, you will see the import modal. Click “Authenticate with Google” to allow to see and import your campaign data:

Then will ask you to select the account you want to import UTM parameters from:

After you select the correct account, you can select which property should import UTM parameters from:

After you select the correct property, will fetch all your UTM parameters. After that information is collected, you will select which individual parameters you want to import and which ones you don’t. You can click “Select All” to import all parameters of a specific type (for example, all Campaign parameters). You will repeat this process for each type of UTM parameter: Campaigns, Sources, Mediums, Terms, and Content:

After you’ve made your selections, will show you how many parameters it is going to import. If everything is ok, click the “Import” button. If you need to make any changes, click the “Back” option:

After the UTM parameters have been imported, you can use them in the Link Builder modal:

You can also use them in the New Template modal:

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