UTM Parameter Tracking Training Course

UTM Tracking Training Course

Welcome to the UTM Tracking Training Guide. Here you'll find a comprehensive list of topics to help you master UTM tracking.

Topics Covered:

Total Time Requirement: 20 hours

Total Number of Steps: 36

Introduction to UTM Tracking

UTM tracking is a fundamental aspect of digital marketing analytics. It allows you to track the effectiveness of your campaigns and understand where your traffic is coming from.

Time Requirement: 1 hour

Number of Steps: 3

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Understanding Attribution

Attribution is a key concept in digital marketing. It allows you to understand which of your marketing efforts are driving results. Our guide will help you understand different attribution models and how to apply them in your UTM tracking.

Time Requirement: 2 hours

Number of Steps: 4

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Content & Conversion Marketing

Content and conversion marketing is all about creating valuable content and turning visitors into customers. You'll learn how to use Google Analytics to track campaign URLs, understand the digital marketing sales funnel, discover the importance of analytics in digital marketing, learn the differences between conversion tracking in AdWords and Analytics, understand the B2B content marketing funnel, and learn how to calculate content marketing ROI.

Time Requirement: 4 hours

Number of Steps: 6

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Digital Marketing Metrics & KPIs

Understanding the right metrics and KPIs is crucial to the success of your digital marketing efforts. Our guide will help you understand the most important metrics and KPIs in digital marketing and how to track them with UTM tracking.

Time Requirement: 2 hours

Number of Steps: 4

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Social Media Marketing

Social media is a powerful tool for digital marketing. Our guide will help you understand how to use UTM tracking to measure the effectiveness of your social media campaigns and optimize your strategy.

Time Requirement: 2 hours

Number of Steps: 4

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Email Marketing

Email marketing is a highly effective digital marketing strategy. You'll learn how to use UTMs to track your email marketing campaigns, understand how to track the customer journey, discover the importance of localization in email marketing, learn about common email marketing mistakes, and understand how to calculate and improve your email marketing conversion rate.

Time Requirement: 3 hours

Number of Steps: 5

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UTM Methodologies and Strategies

Our guide on UTM methodologies and strategies will provide you with advanced techniques for using UTM tracking. You'll learn how to structure your UTM parameters, how to use UTM tracking for multi-channel attribution, and more.

Time Requirement: 2 hours

Number of Steps: 4

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Advanced UTM Strategies

For those looking to take their UTM tracking to the next level, our guide on advanced UTM strategies is a must-read. You'll learn about advanced techniques for UTM tracking, including how to use UTM tracking for SEO, social media, and email marketing.

Time Requirement: 3 hours

Number of Steps: 5

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